Sasha Obama Keeps Seeing Creepy Bush Twins While Riding Tricycle Through White House

In "Travis, a 14 year-old 200-pound pet chimpanzee, rips the face off of a 55 year-old woman."

The chimp, who was known to walk around town, sometimes without a leash, also liked to surf on the Internet One wonders if he ever visited Monkeyfilter.

In "Ricardo Montalban has died."

Khan Baby, Gone: Ricardo Montalban, 1920-2009

In "Yes We Will!"

Don't you think the press would've made a big deal about it by now if it were true?

In "Hail to the chief!"

I'm just hoping that the hard work towards fixing the economy includes some tough regulations for Wall Street. Don't put too much on taxpayers' shoulders -- it's the lack of regulations (thanks to the Bush administration) on debt trading that caused the bulk of this mess.

The Obama merch is the first part of the economic stimulus. Particularly the first item pictured.

18 Nutty Pieces of Obama Merchandise

In "Patrick McGoohan's number has been retired."

McGoohan faced us in a state of perpetual irritation—sometimes softening to tolerance, more often blossoming into full blown rage, but always with a foundation of contempt for everything and everyone, the fury of a man who judges the world and finds it perpetually wanting. My kind of fella.

In "Best and worst movies of 2008"

??? How is it a string of unrelated episodes? It's a character study, with a steady plot thread. Her interactions with the driving instructor clearly affect her personality as the film progresses. And there's some solid acting in there, especially from Eddie Marsan. Here's an interesting little article.

Also, I make a point of not paying to see the ones I know will be bad, but I already know "The Happening" and "Expelled" are at the top of that list. Any Harold & Kumar flick is pretty much a given. And did anyone bother to see "The Hottie and the Nottie"??

No mention of "Happy Go Lucky"? or "Slumdog Millionaire"? Those are my top 2, followed by "Tropic Thunder","Milk" and "Wall-E". "En-ra-ha!!!" and "full retard" have permanently entered my vocabularian repertoire.

In "Patrick McGoohan's number has been retired."

I like cookies.

In "Ricardo Montalban has died."

Well, I stand corrected.

In "Curious Sideshow George"

Just as a note, I believe "The Greatest Show on Earth" is a trademark of Ringling Bros. Good luck in your search!

In "Patrick McGoohan's number has been retired."


In "Ricardo Montalban has died."

LOL, there's no such thing as "Corinthian Leather". Also, the Chrysler ad calls that car "little". I could fit 3 of my car into its backseat. Goodbye, Mr. Montalban. I hope where you are spending eternity is more hospitable than Ceti Alpha V.

In "Child elopers' Africa plan foiled "

I hope you explained to them about the incest.

In "Curious George: Santa hacks."

MonkeyFilter: Sometimes I feel like a two-headed girl when I type.


I don't know whether to look away in disgust, or grab a bucket. I guess I'll do both.

In "Help"